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Altaic etymology :

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Proto-Altaic: *č`íp`ú
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to press (with fingers), pinch
Russian meaning: давить (пальцами), щипать
Tungus-Manchu: *čip-
Korean: *čìp-
Japanese: *túmpǝ́-m-
Comments: An Eastern isogloss (but cf. *č`abo, with possible contaminations). In Turk. cf. Chuv. čǝbǝt- 'to pinch' - possibly reflecting a contamination of the above root with Turk. *čɨm- q. v.

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Tungus etymology :

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Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *čip-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 to press (with fingers) 2 to squeeze, press 3 to stuff, stick 4 to clutch 5 to pick with a finger (food remnants) 6 to lick
Russian meaning: 1 сжимать (пальцами) 2 жать, давить 3 набивать, заталкивать 4 хватать, зажимать 5 подбирать пальцем (остатки еды) 6 лизать, облизывать
Evenki: čīpčī- 3, čipka- 2, čīw- 6
Even: čịpčụ- 3, čụ̄- 6
Negidal: čipixet- 1, čịpịxịla- 2, čịpčị- 3, čịw- 6
Literary Manchu: čibu- 3
Ulcha: čipeči- 5
Orok: čịpo- 5
Nanai: čịp 'tightly', sefele- (Bik.) 4
Oroch: čipči- 3, čipopu(n) 'index finger'
Udighe: čipči- 3
Comments: ТМС 2, 389, 398, 399. Evk. length in some forms is probably expressive or compensatory.

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Korean etymology :

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Proto-Korean: *čìp-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 to pick up, pinch 2 tongs, tweezers
Russian meaning: 1 щипать, брать пальцами 2 клещи, щипцы
Modern Korean: čip- 1, čipke 2
Middle Korean: čìp- 1, čìpkǝ́i 2
Comments: Liu 687, KED 1554, 1555.

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Japanese etymology :

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Proto-Japanese: *túmpǝ́-m-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: to stuff, press into
Russian meaning: сжимать, сужать
Middle Japanese: tuboma-
Tokyo: tsùbome-
Kyoto: tsúbómé-
Kagoshima: tsubomé-
Comments: JLTT 771.

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *ciṗV
Meaning: to pinch
Indo-European: *skeip- (BSL)
Altaic: *č`íp`ú
Uralic: *ćEppV
Dravidian: ? SDr *Sip-am 'bundle, parcel'
References: МССНЯ 373; ND 2749 *ʒ́iṗV (with diff. TM data). Cf. PAA *cVp 'pinch'.

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Uralic etymology :

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Number: 91
Proto: *ćEppV
> Nostratic: > Nostratic
English meaning: fingertip; to pinch
German meaning: Prise, Fingerspitze; kneifen
Mari (Cheremis): cǝwešte- (KB), ćǝ̑wǝ̑šte- (U) 'kneipen, kneifen', čǝ̑wǝ̑štala- 'kneifen, befingern' ??
Udmurt (Votyak): ćepi̮ĺi (URS) 'щипок, щепоть', čepi̮ĺt- (S) 'kneifen', ćepị̑ĺtị̑- (G) 'kneifen, zwicken' ?
Komi (Zyrian): ćepe̮ĺ (S), ćepe̮.ĺ (P) 'eine Fingerspitze voll, Prise', ćepe̮ĺt- (S), ćepe̮.ĺt- (P) 'kneifen', ćepe̮r (Ud.) 'Zwick; Kniff', ćepe̮rt- (Ud.) 'zwicken, kneifen', će.pĺal- (PO) 'kneifen, rupfen' ?
Hungarian: csip (csípëk, dial. csípok) 'kneifen; kneipen, zwicken', (dial.) csíp 'ein Bündel Hanf' ?
K. Reshetnikov's notes: For Mari, cf. Chuv. čǝbǝt- 'to pinch', čǝpt-ǝm, čǝpk-ǝm 'a pinch, thimbleful', which is "phonetically strange" (ALTET 298, TURCET 444). An irregular change in its shape (-b- instead of expected -m-) may be due just to Mari influence. Note that the Mari word hardly can be borrowed from Chuv.; Mari *-w- as a counterpart of reflexes of Uralc *-pp- is not a reason for doubting Uralic origin of the word (cf., for instance, URAET 21, 92).
References: Budenz MUSz.369; VglWb. 751; Bár.SzófSz; MSzFgrE; EtSz; TESz

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