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Altaic etymology :

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Proto-Altaic: *č`ĭ̀p`[ú]
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: small bird
Russian meaning: мелкая птица
Turkic: *čɨpčɨk
Mongolian: *čuwčali
Tungus-Manchu: *čipi-
Korean: *čjǝ̄pì
Japanese: *tùmpá-mái ( ~ -ia)
Comments: SKE 26 (Tung.-Kor.), АПиПЯЯ 293, Дыбо 8, EAS 63, Лексика 176-177. The vocalism is not quite certain because of expressive changes (Mong. *čuwčali may be < *čiɣu-čali, but -jǝ̄- in Kor. is harder to explain). Cf. *sipV.

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Turkic etymology :

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Proto-Turkic: *čɨpčɨk
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: sparrow
Russian meaning: воробей, мелкая птица
Karakhanid: (MKypch.) čapčuq, čɨpčɨq (AH), šɨpšɨq (Ettuhf.)
Turkish: čimček, (dial.) čabčɨk, čɨpčɨk
Tatar: čɨpčɨq, dial. čɨpɨj
Middle Turkic: čɨpčuq, čupčuq (MA, Abush., Pav. C.), čimčik (Pav. C.)
Uzbek: čumčuq
Uighur: tumučuq
Turkmen: čɨmčɨq, dial. čɨpǯɨq
Shor: čimčigeš 'titmouse' (Верб., Upper-Kond.)
Oyrat: čibilčik (dial.) 'a k. of bird' (R, Верб., Kumd.)
Kirghiz: čɨmčɨq; čimeldirek (South.) 'a small green bird'
Kazakh: šɨbɨšɨq
Noghai: šɨmšɨq
Bashkir: säpseq 'wagtail; (dial.) sparrow', sɨpqaj 'утка-поганка'
Karaim: cɨfcɨq
Karakalpak: šɨmšɨq
Kumyk: ǯimčiq, dial. čimčik
Comments: VEWT 109, Лексика 176. Turk. > Mong. čipčiqaj (TMN 3, 123, Щербак 1997, 113).

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Mongolian etymology :

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Proto-Mongolian: *čuwčali
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: snipe
Russian meaning: кулик
Written Mongolian: čuučali (L 207)
Khalkha: cūcaĺ
Buriat: sūsālžan 'кулик', sūsagālžan 'бекас'
Kalmuck: čūčḷ (КРС)
Ordos: čūčil-
Comments: Mong. > Man. čōč́anli, čočori 'the common snipe' (Rozycki 49).

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Tungus etymology :

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Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *čipi-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 a small bird 2 swallow
Russian meaning: 1 птичка 2 ласточка
Evenki: čipi-čā 1
Even: čị̄bъ̣lъ̣n 1
Negidal: čịptịja 1
Spoken Manchu: čivaqǝn 2 (2240)
Literary Manchu: čibin 2
Nanai: čịpịaqo 2
Udighe: čiwjau 'sparrow'
Comments: ТМС 2, 398. The root is expressive and subject to various irregular changes.

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Korean etymology :

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Proto-Korean: *čjǝ̄pì
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: swallow
Russian meaning: ласточка
Modern Korean: čēbi
Middle Korean: čjǝ̄pì
Comments: Nam 425, KED 1464.

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Japanese etymology :

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Proto-Japanese: *tùmpá-mái ( ~ -ia)
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: swallow
Russian meaning: ласточка
Old Japanese: tubame
Middle Japanese: tubame
Tokyo: tsùbame
Kyoto: tsùbàmé
Kagoshima: tsubamé
Comments: JLTT 552.

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *ciṗV
Meaning: small bird
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *spar(w)-, *spraw-
Altaic: *č`ĭ̀p`[ú] (also *sipV)
Kartvelian: c̣iṗia 'Trauthahn- / Gänse- / Entenjunges'
Dravidian: *cīp-
References: ND 349 *ć̣iṗu(-ŕV) 'small bird'; 2100 *s̄ipV '(young of a) bird' (2 roots?); cf. also Drav. forms under 2704a *Ze(H)bV 'a k. of bird' (Drav. *Sēv- + Chad.).

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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *(s)perg-
Meaning: sparrow
Old Greek: {sporgílo-s m. N. eines Vogels, `Sperling ?' - nowhere found!}, spérgoulos = ornithárion Hsch., pérgoulos (Argive ?) 'a small bird' Hsc.
Baltic: *sper-g-l=, *spur-g-l=
Germanic: *sperk=
Russ. meaning: птица (воробей)
References: WP II 666 f
Comments: Cf. *spar(w)-, *spraw-, *(s)pars- #1104

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Baltic etymology :

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Proto-Baltic: *sper-g-l=, *spur-g-l=
Meaning: sparrow
Indo-European etymology: Indo-European etymology
Old Prussian: spurglis `Sperling' V. 738, sperglawanagis `Sperber (ястреб-перепелятник)' V. 714

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Germanic etymology :

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Proto-Germanic: [*sperk=]; *sparwa-z, *sparwēn; *sprawēn
Meaning: sparrow
IE etymology: IE etymology
Gothic: *sparwa m. (n) `sparrow'
Old Norse: spɔr-r m. `Sperling'; spar-r m. `id.'; sparr-haukr m. `Sperber'
Norwegian: sporr, sporv, sparv
Swedish: sparv
Danish: spurv
Old English: spearwa, -an m. `sparrow'; { spear-hefoc }
English: sparrow
Old Saxon: sprā, sprāla
Middle Dutch: sperwāre, sparwāre m.
Dutch: sperwer m.
Middle Low German: [sparlink, sperlink]; sparwer, sperwer
Old High German: [sperih m., sperihha f. (Hs. 12. Jh.)]; sparo (8.Jh.); spar(a)wāri (11.Jh.)
Middle High German: [md. spɛrc, spɛrke, spɛrche m. 'sperling', f.] ; spar(e) wk. m., sparwe, sperwe wk. m. 'sperling'; sparwǟre, spɛrwǟre, spɛrbǟre, spɛrber st. m. 'geringere, von s perlingen lenebde falkenart, sperber'; spɛrlinc, spirlinc, -g- st. m. 'sperling'
German: Sperling; { [Sprehe `Star'] }; Sperber

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Pokorny's dictionary :

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Number: 1840
Root: sper-2(g-)
English meaning: a k. of bird (sparrow?)
German meaning: in Vogelnamen, besonders `Sperling'
Derivatives: sparu̯o- : prau̯o- ds.
Material: Got. sparwa, ags. spearwa, ahd. sparo `Sperling' (*urgerm. *sparwan-); mhd. sperlinc nhd.Sperling, Deminutiv; aisl. spǫrr ds. aus *sparwa-z, vgl. auch nhd. Sperber, ahd. sparwā̆ri (Endglied nach ahd. aro `Aar, Adler' umgestaltet?);

    gr. σπαράσιον ὄρνεον ἐμφερες στρουθῳ̃ Hes. (*σπαρn̥-ti̯om); das formantische auch (??) in gr. ψά̄ρ, ion. ep. ψήρ (hom. Akk. Pl. ψη̃ρας), Gen. ψᾱρός `Star' (ursprüngl. *ψά̄ρ-ς, Gen. *ψαρός?), jünger ψά̆ρος, ψᾱρος, ψα̃ρος m. ds., ψᾱρός `stargrau'; dazu wohl as. sprā, ndl. spreeuw, nordfries.sprian, mnd. sprēn, nd. (nhd.) sprehe `Star';

    corn. frau, bret. frâo `Krähe' (*sprawā); daß lat. parra `ein Vogel, dessen Geschrei Unglückbedeutete', umbr. parfam, parfa `parram' (*parsa) ein s-loser Verwandter sei, ist ganz fragwürdig;

    toch. A spārāñ `ein Vogel';

    Formen auf g: gr. PN Σποργίλος `Sperling', (σ)πέργουλος ὀρνιθάριον ἄγριον Hes.; ahd. sperk, sperch, spirch `Sperling', apr. spergla-wanag[is] `Sperber' (eig. `Sperlingsgeier'), ablaut. spurglis m. `Sperling'.

References: WP. II 666 f., WH. II 257, Trautmann 275.
Pages: 991
PIE database: PIE database

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Dravidian etymology :

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Proto-Dravidian : *cīp-
Meaning : chicken
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Proto-Gondi-Kui : *cīp-

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Gondwan etymology :

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Proto-Gondi-Kui : *cīp-
Meaning : chicken
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Proto-Gondi : *cīv-
Konda : sīpṛi
Proto-Kui-Kuwi : *sīp-a

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Gondi etymology :

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Proto-Gondi : *cīv-
Meaning : young of birds, chick
Gondwan etymology: Gondwan etymology
Betul Gondi : cīwā
Mandla Gondi (Williamson) : cīwāl
Mandla Gondi (Phailbus) : civnā̃, cīvā(l)
Chindwara Gondi : cīva
Number in DED : 2636
Number in CVOTGD : 1337

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Konda etymology :

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Konda : sīpṛi
Meaning: chicken
Gondwan etymology: Gondwan etymology
Konda (Burrow/Bhattacharya) : sīpi
Number in DED : 2636

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Kui-Kuwi etymology :

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Proto-Kui-Kuwi : *sīp-a
Meaning : chicken
Gondwan etymology: Gondwan etymology
Kui : sīpa
Kuwi (Schulze) : hippa "chicken, chick"
Sunkarametta Kuwi : hīpa "chicken, chick"
Kuwi (Mahanti) : hipā "chicken, chick"
Notes : Irregular vowel shortening in Kuwi_S.
Number in DED : 2636

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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : CVPV
Meaning : small bird
Eurasiatic : *ciṗV
Afroasiatic : *c̣ipVr- (cf. also Berb., Omot. *sVf-)
Reference : ND 349, 2100.

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Afroasiatic etymology :

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Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *c̣ipVr-
Meaning: bird
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Semitic: *ṣVp(p)Vr- '(kind of small) bird'
Western Chadic: *c̣yapVr- 'guinea fowl'
Central Chadic: *cipur- 'guinea fowl'
Notes: Scarce data. Cf. Dolg ND 349 (Sem and Ch., including a lot of forms hardly related).

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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 2523
Proto-Semitic: *ṣVp(p)Vr-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: (kind of small) bird
Ugaritic: ṣpr 'pájaro' [DLU 420]. Not very reliable, only in klb ṣpr 'perros perdigueros' (1.14 III 19). Alternatively to be interpreted as 'sheep-dogs' (ṣpr compared to common Aramaic *ṣǝpīr 'goat', v. [KB 1964] for concrete forms).
Phoenician: ṣpr 'bird' [T 280], 'fowl' [Krah. 240]. In the Punic offering tariff from Marseilles (KAI 69/15): bkl zbḥ ʔš yzbḥ dl mḳnʔ ʔm dl ṣpr 'for every kind of victim slaughtered by owner of cattle or owner of a bird' (also in the damaged l. 11 of the same text: [bṣ]pr ʔgnn 'for a kind of domestic bird'). According to Tomback, here also belong ṣyprm ʔrrm 'сalling birds' in Trip. 76/6:7 (cf. also [HJ 973]). The divine name ršp ṣprm in KAI 26A II 10-11 presents special problems. While [KAI II 86], [T 280] and [HJ 973] interpret ṣprm as 'birds', the meaning 'goat' is defended as the only possible one in [Gibson 60] in view of (DEUS)CERVUS in the Luwian part of the bilingue (but cf. [Bron 185] and [Krah. 450]: 'a form of the god Rasap; meaning obscure').
Hebrew: ṣippōr (pl. ṣippŏrīm, < *ṣuppur-) 'bird, winged creature' [KB 1047], pB. [Ja. 1295]. A general term for 'bird' (together with ʕōp) extensively discussed in [TWAT VI 1102ff.]. Possibly denoted both a single bird (as in Am 3.5: hătippōl ṣippōr ʕal-paḥ hāʔāräṣ 'will a bird fall into a trap on the earth') and birds in general (ṣippōr šāmayim 'birds of the sky', ṣippōr kānāp 'winged birds'). It is possible that in some passages ṣ. denotes a concrete species of small bird (e.g. sparrow).
Aramaic: D.-Alla ṣpr 'special bird, sparrow' [HJ 973]. In I.9, context fragmentary (see [Hackett 49]). Off. ṣnpr 'bird' [HJ 973]. In Aḥiq 98 (ky ṣnpr hy mlh 'since a word is a bird'), see [PY XLIX], [Kott. 228] (also on other - damaged - passages). Sam. ṣpwr, ṣpyr, ṣprh 'bird' [Tal 742].
Biblical Aramaic: ṣippǝrīn (pl.) 'bird' [KB 1770]. In Da 4.9,11,18 (birds on the tree in Nebuchadnezzar's vision) and Da 4.30 (ṭiprōhī kǝṣippǝrīn 'his claws like [those of] birds).
Judaic Aramaic: ṣippar, ṣippǝrā, ṣippōr, ṣippōrā 'fowl, bird' [Ja. 1298], ṣippartā 'fowl, esp. a small bird' [ibid 1299], ṣypr 'bird' [Sok. 463], ṣyprh (det. ṣyprth) 'bird' [ibid. 464].
Syrian Aramaic: ṣeppǝrā 'avis' [Brock. 635], 'avis, passer' [PS 3433].
Mandaic Aramaic: ṣipra (st. abs. ṣapir, ṣipar) 'small bird, sparrow' [DM 394], ṣiprurita 'small bird' [ibid.].
Arabic: ṣāfir- 'espèce de petit oiseau de la famille des passereaux; tout oiseau qui n'est pas oiseau de proie' [BK 1 1346], [LA IV 464].
Jibbali: (e)ṣferót (ṣefirót) 'Vogel' [Bittner 60] (not in [JJ]).
Harsusi: ṣ̌eferot 'sandpiper' [JH 124].
Soqotri: *ṣafiroh (in ṣafiróte) 'oiseau' [LS 70].
Notes: Akk. ṣibāru 'a bird, probably the sparrow' OB on [CAD ṣ 155], [AHw. 1097] is often compared to the present root in spite of the irregular -b-. Cf. also Amh č̣äräba, č̣oräba 'a small, brown, grain-eating bird; sparrow' [K 2216] (related to the Akk. term with metathesis?). Cf. Syr. ṣprd 'genus aviculae' [Brock. 636] and Arb. ṣifrid-, ṣufrud- 'rossignol' [BK 1 1347], [LA III 256] (if related, -d is puzzling). Akk. iṣṣūru 'bird' OB on [CAD i 210-14], [AHw. 390] and Ugr. ʕṣr 'pájaro, ave (esp. ave de corral)' [DLU 91], /ʕuṣṣūru/ [Huehn. 162] are not related to the present root as rightly pointed out in cf. MSL 8/2 145 (pace [AHw. 390] and many others). The Akk. and Ugr. forms could be united under a separate PS root *ʕVṣṣūr- 'bird' but the evidence for such a reconstruction is too scarce (cf., however, Tgr. č̣ǝnraʕ, č̣ǝrnaʕ 'a bird, Buphaga erytrorhynchus' [LH 627], Tna. č̣ǝrnaʕ 'uccello piu grande del tordo col becco rosso molto forte; esso e il flagello delle bestie, perche straccia le loro piaghe, o gliene fa forandole col becco (Bufaga erryttrorincha)' [Bass. 933], possibly related with metathesis). Arb. ʕuṣfūr- 'passerau; tout petit oiseau; sauterelle' [BK 2 272-3], [LA IV 581], Jib. ʕɛṣférɔ́t 'bird' [JJ 16], Soq. ʔiṣféroh 'oiseau' [LS 70] (with ʔ- instead of ʕ-) should not be directly compared to the present root but rather be regarded as a result of its contamination with forms of the *ʕVsṣūr-type treated above. [Fron. 295]: *ʔiṣpūr- '(piccolo) uccello' (Arb., Syr., Hbr., Ugr. /ʕṣr/, Akk. /iṣṣūru/); [Firmage 1154]: Akk. (ṣibāru), Hbr., Arm., Arb. (ʕuṣfūr-); [KB 1047]: Hbr., Pho., Arm., Akk. (ṣibāru), Arb. (ʕuṣfūr-), Ugr. (ʕṣr, with a remark "also comparable"; note that Akk. iṣṣūru is treated as unrelated); [DLU 420]: Ugr. (ṣpr), Hbr., Pho., Arm., Arb. (ʕuṣfūr-); [ibid. 91]: Ugr. (ʕṣr), Akk., Arb. (ʕuṣfūr-), "relación incierta con hb. ṣippōr etc."; [Brock. 635]: Syr., Arm., Hbr., Arb. (ʕuṣfūr-), Akk. (iṣṣūru); [LS 70]: Soq., Jib., Arb. (ṣāfir-, ʕuṣfūr-), Hbr., Akk. (iṣṣūru).

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West Chadic etymology :

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Proto-WChadic: *č̣apur-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'guinea fowl'
Warji: č̣ápùr [SkNb] Mburku?

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Central Chadic etymology :

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Proto-CChadic: *cipur-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'guinea fowl'
Bura: civira [Ann],cǝ̀vur [CLR: 174]
Chibak: ʒùvùra [Kr: 64]
Kilba: ccı́vɨ̀r [Kr: 84]
Margi: cǝ̀vur [CLR: 174]

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